© Philipp Kirschner

Universities in Leipzig: Conferences on Campus

It’s another aspect of what makes Leipzig such a diverse conference destination: conferences and meetings at the University of Leipzig and other higher education and research institutions. These events are essential for the dialogue between different disciplines, promoting networking far beyond Leipzig’s borders. And they are an important source of inspiration, not only for science and research, but also for business. We present three examples of conferences held against the backdrop of Leipzig’s renowned educational institutions.

Conferences at the University of Leipzig

ANAKON 2025: Focus on analytical chemistry

The University of Leipzig is the second oldest university in Germany and has a reputation for modern education and internationally recognised cutting-edge research. The Alma Mater Lipsiensis is home to a unique range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and life sciences. Thanks to the work of dedicated researchers, many fields enjoy an international reputation. These researchers are in demand as speakers at conferences around the world and are members of specialist associations. Moreover, they are popular hosts for conferences organised in their fields in Leipzig.

One example of this is ANAKON, which will be held at the University of Leipzig in March 2025. The conference of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the German Chemical Society is the most important joint conference of German, Austrian and Swiss analytical chemistry. So why is it inviting delegates to Leipzig? The city has been a centre for analytical chemistry for many years, with several professorships in the field and non-university research institutions such as the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS). This is why key players from Leipzig are involved in ANAKON 2025. The conference will be chaired by Professor Detlev Belder from the Institute of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Leipzig and Professor Thorsten Reemtsma, Head of the Department of Environmental Analytical Chemistry at the UFZ.
You may be wondering what analytical chemistry actually is: This branch of chemistry deals with the qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical and biochemical substances. These methods are particularly useful in areas such as materials science, diagnostics and medicine, environmental monitoring and controls on drinking water and food. In other words, there is very little distance between the science and the economic relevance of this field.

Conferences at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig)

EASTWOOD conference on the trendy topic of timber construction

Digital timber construction is the focus of the EASTWOOD congress at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig). Wood will be at the centre of attention as a sustainable and versatile material for climate-friendly, energy- and resource-efficient construction. The EASTWOOD congress wants nothing less than to create a network to accelerate the development of building with wood. The conference was held for the third time in autumn 2023. It brought together experts from architecture, engineering, construction, timber construction, carpentry, science and research, as well as representatives of the timber trade, building owners and investors. For the FLEX research group, led by initiator Alexander Stahr, Professor of Structural Design at the HTWK, there is a clear focus on networking and collaboration for modern timber construction. These efforts have met with great interest from the business community. Most recently, 25 regional and national companies appeared at the conference.
Saxony and Leipzig are ideally placed to host EASTWOOD: In its coalition agreement, the Saxon state government pledged to promote modern timber construction in Saxony, recognising it as a future field of innovation and a driver of regional value creation.
Saxony’s timber construction initiative promotes the use of wood in building projects and aims to increase the demand for wood in the Free State. In 2022, a special Saxon competence centre for timber construction started work. Research at the HTWK is contributing to these common goals: the university has a strong reputation in the field of digital timber construction. Its applied timber construction research has already yielded a number of innovations.
The foundation stone for the HTWK’s new timber construction research centre, the HolzBauForschungsZentrum, was laid in spring 2024. This will create a state-of-the-art research centre in Leipzig for the research and development of production processes for timber construction. Last but not least, Leipzig as a conference destination offers the perfect conditions for EASTWOOD. These include ease of access and hosting expertise for conference guests as well as the best conditions for the conference to continue to grow.

Conferences in the Leipzig KUBUS

Hosted by the Wissenschaftspark

The Leipzig KUBUS is the conference and education centre of the internationally renowned Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). Surrounded by institutions of the Helmholtz and Leibniz Associations, university institutes and private research companies, the KUBUS is another popular venue for scientific conferences in Leipzig.
The German Echocardiography Congress (DEK) was held here for the 21ˢᵗ time in April 2024. It focused on cardiac imaging in practice, and research as the cornerstone of cardiac diagnostics. Professor Andreas Hagendorff, head of the cardiac imaging laboratories at the University of Leipzig Medical Center, has been involved in the congress from the very beginning and has been instrumental in its successful growth.
Initiated as the Leipzig Echocardiography Symposium in 2004, the event became the Central German Echocardiography Congress in 2019 and the German Echocardiography Congress in 2022. Since then, the congress has been organised by the Cardiovascular Ultrasound Working Group of the German Cardiac Society (DGK) together with the programme committee headed by Professor Hagendorff. This brief retrospective clearly shows how the event has achieved a status that reaches far beyond Leipzig. And while the programme is designed to be industry-independent, the list of sponsors for the supporting programme includes global players from the medical engineering and pharmaceutical industries.

Knowledge and technology transfer from research to industry

Synergies for innovation

These three events convey a first impression of how dynamic Leipzig is as a centre of science. Basic and applied research addresses the big questions of our time and ideas for a future worth living. Scientific conferences support the transfer of knowledge and technology, for example through the combination of conference programmes and exhibiting companies. After all, excellent research is always linked to the question of transfer. How can valuable insights be made accessible and exploited? How can science and the business world enter into a dialogue?

Leipzig’s visibility and targeted networking at conferences and congresses also benefit spin-offs and start-ups from its educational institutions. And don’t forget: when it comes to interesting conferences, it is also worth taking a look at Lancaster University Leipzig, the first British university campus in Germany, the Mediencampus Villa Ida, and the city’s many other higher education and research institutions. This impressive diversity of topics and players is what makes Leipzig such an exciting and attractive conference destination.

Your contact for conferences in Leipzig 

Would you like to find out more about conference facilities in the science city of Leipzig? The Leipzig Convention Team knows what’s what and will be happy to help you. Just get in touch by emailing or calling us – we look forward to hearing from you.


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